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2021 - 2022. Introduction to evolutionary ecology. University Programme for Seniors, University of Vigo.

2019 - 2021. Conservation biology. Master of Terrestrial biodiversity. University of Vigo, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Coruña.

2014 - 2020. Management of protected areas and biodiversity. Bachelor (4th year) in Forestry Engineering. University of Vigo.

2014 - 2020. Forestry ecology. Bachelor (2nd year) in Forestry Engineering. University of Vigo.

Thesis comitee

Student supervision

2024. Laura Trapero Cameselle (Bs student; Universidade de Vigo). Making enemies: manipulating the interaction between allopatric populations of the Argentine ant to unravel their aggressiveness. Duration: 6 months.

2023. Krzysztof Basista (Bs student; Jagiellonian University). Problem-solving by individual cognition or social information in invasive and native ants. Duration: 1 month.

2023. Bartosz Bałdowski (Bs student; University of Warsaw). Problem-solving by individual cognition or social information in invasive and native ants. Duration: 1 month.

2022 - 2026. Srikrishna Narasimhan (PhD student; Polish Academy of Sciences). Behavioural and neuroanatomical variability of individual and collective problem-solving in invasive and native ants. Duration: 4 years.

2021 - 2022. Miguel Castro Cardoso (Bs student; Universidade de Vigo). Aliens in synergy: insect-plant interactions between three introduced species. Duration: 6 months.

2020 - 2021. Blanca María Fraga Cimadevila (Bs student; Universidade de Vigo). Ethodiversity of the invasive ant Linepithema humile: behavioural comparisson between island and mainland populations. Duration: 6 months.


2019 - 2020. Everton Cruz da Silva (Bs student; Universidade do Pará). Within supercolony aggressiveness and seasonal variation of invasive potential in the ant Linepithema humile. Duration: 4 months.


2018. Marine Poisay (Ms student; Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier). Variabilité comportementale et développement larvaire chez Lasius niger. Duration: 3 months.

2016. María Virginia Gabela Flores (Bs student; Universidad San Francisco de Quito). Demography and territorial behavior of three species of the genus Hetaerina (Odonata: Calopterygidae) along three tropical stream ecosystems. Duration: 1 month.

2014. Nina Bidoli (Ms student; IUT Paul Sabatier). L’étude d’Ischnura hastata, une demoiselle pratiquant la parthénogénèse. Duration: 3 months.

2013 - 2014. Miguel de Guinea Luengo (Ms student; KU Leuven). Pace-of-life-syndromes in four species ofIschnura damselflies. Duration: 6 months.

2012. Ilaria Cardaio (Bs student; Università degli Studi di Perugia). Tecniche di allevamento degli Odonati. Duration: 3 months.

Teacher trainning

2021. The art of connecting. Effective communication and leadership. University of Vigo. Duration: 20 hours.

2021. Public speaking and communication for teachers. University of Vigo.

Duration: 24 hours.

2020. Virtual classrooms in Moodle for teaching use (Level 1). University of Vigo.

Duration: 12 hours.

2020. Virtual classrooms in Moodle for teaching use (Level 2). University of Vigo.

Duration: 12 hours.

2020. Training course in statistics with R for researchers. University of Vigo.

Duration: 35 hours.

2020. Creating and processing images and photographs with GIMP. University of Vigo. Duration: 20 hours.

2020. Introduction to flipped learning: learning design and basic tools. University of Vigo. Duration: 8 hours.

Teaching accreditations

ANECA. Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation.

ACSUGA. Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System.

Galaxie.  French Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation. Accreditation for "Population biology and ecology" and "Biology of organisms".


2024. Playful seminar: The ants. Jana Brzechwy Primary School. Warsaw. Poland.

2018. Introduction to the social insects. Paul Dottin Primary School. Toulouse, France.

2017. Playful seminar: Birds in Galiza. Day centre for the elderly Iglemen. Padrón, Galiza - Spain.

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